
The Wire October 2021 (Issue 452) 75 Subscription

“Nothing during the long weekend feels more 3D than UnStumm: Supercritical Fluid, an […] ongoing partnership between guitarist Nicola L Hein and video artist/sculptor Claudia Schmitz […]”

UnStumm – conversation of moving image and sound

Organized and curated by Nicola L. Hein (guitarist, soundartist and philosopher) and Claudia Schmitz (timebased media artist)

UnStumm  GbR is a contemporary cultural institution without a permanent space.
The institution UnStumm GbR organizes and curates intermedia projects worldwide.
The diverse location of the institution reflects both its internationality and
interdisciplinarity as well as the project-immanent conception of barrier-free art mediation.

UnStumm – conversation of moving image and sound is a project for improvised film and music (Echtzeitfilm) for cross-disciplinary and crosscultural collaboration between filmmakers, video artists and musicians from Germany and other countries.

It aims to create an environment of cultural and creative exchange, where a common
complex artistic language is invented and used to communicate narratives, textures,
colliding, combining, attracting worlds of sight and sound.

The group of artists will work together in two different groups for four days to create an
audiovisual performance that explores multidisciplinary improvisation as well as structure
and narrative. The resulting artworks reflect on the themes of interculturality, cultural
identity, cross cultural communication, the history of artistic thought (in different
cultures) and many other philosophical topoi.

The space of the performance will be set up in a special way that make it possible to use
the full potential of it and to give space to a use of the possibilities of a space which
encompass much more than just a usual frontal projection. All the walls and also objects
inside the room are used for the projection, so that amount of creative processing of the
space is maximized.

By bringing together artists from different countries and cultures, UnStumm also aims to
establish longlasting relationships between these artists and give space to globally
situated meetings of artists that might not have met otherwise and therefore give space to
cross-cultural communication

Since the end of 2016 it is continued under the name UnStumm – conversation of moving image and sound by Nicola L. Hein and Claudia Schmitz. Since 2016 Unstumm has taken place in 12 countries worldwird. Collaborations have taken place with more than 65 live video artists, musicians and dancers. The project was funded and supported by many Institutions worldwide. Further information can be found in the individual tours.

UnStumm was originally founded in 2015 by Korhan Erel and Nicola Hein under the name UnStumm – a project of improvised film and music.