real time performance series in AR
22.07. | 23.07. | 13.08. | 14.08
FIRST EXCERPT – UnStumm sighted in Hong Kong and Austria
organized and curated by Claudia Schmitz & Nicola L. Hein
in collaboration with programmers Sven Hahne
With UnStumm | Virtual Village – Augmented Biotope, Claudia Schmitz and Nicola L. Hein invite artist*s and non human artist*s from Mexico, Japan and Germany to a telematic real-time performances with live moving image, and sound in augmented reality.
The international artists encounter each other in audiovisual interactions and project those onto augmented reality sculptures and virtual loudspeakers.
The artists will be distributed globally and will perform together via the Internet and the Augmented Voyage software.
The artists themselves will perform together out of small communities and biotopes, networked via the Internet, and grow together into a global village.
This concept, coined by Marshall McLuhan, will be understood through the lens of telematic intermedial performances projected into local biotopes.
The audience participates in the telematic augmented reality performance by means of the UnStumm IOS / Android app via their own smartphone or tablet. The app can be downloaded from the UnStumm website and enables both the participation in three-dimensional live performances and the subsequent streaming of past performances.
Using the user’s own smartphone as 3D glasses, UnStumm brings the artists’ performances into the presence of the audience’s lifeworld.
22 July, 8pm (UTC+2)
Elena Pardo – cine performance, 16mm (
Ute Wassermann – voice (
Nicola L. Hein – guitar, electronics (
Claudia Schmitz – live moving image onto sculpture, live drawing, turntables
23 July, 8pm (UTC+2)
Nicola L. Hein – guitar, electronics (
NicolAI – AI
Claudia Schmitz – live moving image onto sculpture, live drawing, turntables
D0nn4 – AI
13 August, 8pm (UTC+2)
Rudi Marhall – bass clarinet (
Alexander Burck (
Nicola L. Hein – guitar, electronics (
Claudia Schmitz – live moving image onto sculpture, live drawing, turntables
14 August, 12pm (UTC+2)
Tomomi Adachi – voice, electronics (
TomomiBot – AI
Nicola L. Hein – guitar, electronics (
NicolAI – AI
Claudia Schmitz – live moving image onto sculpture, live drawing, turntables

supported by Fonds Darstellende Künste with funds from the Federal Government Commissioner for Culture and the Media